Mahalo to all our donors!

Without the generous support of our donors, we would struggle to continue our services for food insecure households. By donating to The Food Basket you are helping to end hunger on Hawai‘i Island. 

Checks can be made out to The Food Basket, Inc. and mailed to:
40 Holomua St., Hilo, HI 96720

Online donations are accepted at the button below.

The Food Basket Inc. is a 501c(3) tax-exempt organization. Our federal tax identification number is 26-0349475.

Donate To The Food Basket

Donate to help build the future of Hawai‘i Island

We have a vision for the future, starting with Hawaii island, and seek your help.

Our Agriculture Innovation Park and Food Systems Campus is planned for Hilo on 24.5-acres and is to have: crops to harvest for fresh produce, an aquaponics section for fish and plant growth, an educational/training component to learning about agriculture, retail shops, a commercial kitchen program, eateries, food distribution drive-thru, consolidated warehouse for dry, refrigerated and frozen foods, corporate offices.

Your donation will also help continue the purchases of fresh/frozen/dried foods that are provided daily to those in need around Hawaii island.


Donate to DA BUX Double Up Food Bucks

DA BUX Double Up Food Bucks (also known as “DA BUX”) partners with food retailers across the state to discount Hawaiʻi grown fruits and vegetables for low-income recipients of SNAP-EBT food benefits (formerly known as Food Stamps). As the program administrator, The Food Basket reimburses participating food retailers for all produce discounts issued. Additionally, DA BUX is funding the production of the children’s book series, “Kai and Hōkū Explore Foods of Hawaiʻi,” which encourages families to explore local foods together. To learn more about DA BUX, visit our program website at


*If you would like to designate your donation towards the ongoing printing and free distribution of the “Kai and Hōkū” book series to early childhood educators and families, please leave a note with your donation.

Donate to the Good Food For Everyone Fund

Help make Hawai‘i Island grown fruits and veggies more affordable for all residents. Donations to the fund help to subsidize the cost of our DA BOX community-supported agriculture program for low-income individuals and families paying with SNAP-EBT food benefits (formerly known as Food Stamps). To learn more about DA BOX, visit our new program website at

Donate to the Good Food For Everyone Fund

Donate to Kokua Harvest

The Kokua Harvest Project is the first Hawai‘i Island-wide food rescue project: collecting/harvesting of excess fresh food from farms and other sources for donation to local food pantries and community partners. Check out the website at

Donate to Kokua Harvest

The Food Basket, Inc. - 2020 Annual Report


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